Opioid use disorders


Toolkit for addiction and concomitant mental health problems (available in French only)

Association des intervenants en dépendance du Québec (AIDQ)

The kit includes an intervention guide and six clinical fact sheets on substance use disorders and anxiety problems, symptoms of post-traumatic stress, symptoms of depression, difficult personality disorder (antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder) and attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity. Click on the link opposite to order the kit online.

Interagir autour des addictions, un minisite internet pour faire le point [Addiction: working together, a mini website to take stock; available in French only]

Fédération Addiction, France

This site provides a lot of useful information and also presents case studies based on 12 exemplary clinical situations

Programme Alerte – Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec (OPQ) [Alert program – Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec (OPQ)]

The Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec (OPQ) created the Programme Alerte [Alert program] to counter prescription drug abuse by preventing people from obtaining medications from multiple prescribing physicians and pharmacists or using forged or altered prescriptions. The program helps patients and health professionals by encouraging appropriate medication use.

5. I’m a user and I’ve heard about the NADA protocol. What is it?

The NADA protocol is an acupuncture technique that is used only in the ears. It is intended for people who would like help to cut down or stop using, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, improve their sleep quality and manage their anxiety. CRAN offers acupuncture on request and free of charge to users receiving treatment for opioid dependence.
