
CRAN-INSPQ training program “Le traitement des troubles liés à l’utilisation des opioïdes: une approche de collaboration transdisciplinaire” [The treatment of opioid use disorders: a collaborative, transdisciplinary approach; available in French only]

Centre de recherche et d’aide pour narcomanes (CRAN)
Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)

This training program is offered by CRAN and the INSPQ to physicians, nurses and psychosocial support workers. Based on the most up-to-date knowledge and best practices, this transdisciplinary training program allows participants to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to improve access to care, coordination and continuity of services for patients.

Next training program:
Date to be determined

Institut national de santé publique du Québec
190, Crémazie Blvd. E, Montreal (Qc)
(between Casgrain and De Gaspé streets )
Salle RC-03 A-B


Linda Cléroux 
514 864-1600, extension 3250


Physicians segment (R1 medical residents)

Next training program
Date to be determined

Notre-Dame Family Medicine Unit
2120, Sherbrooke St. E, 6th Floor

Louis-Christophe Juteau
Addiction Medicine Service, Université de Montréal Hospital Centre