4. I’m a family physician and I have a patient who has been on methadone treatment for five years. He has a generalized anxiety disorder that he refuses to take medication for. At first, my patient managed to reduce his heroin use significantly, but he gr

Some users have difficulty stopping using despite the prescribed methadone treatment. When this happens, it’s important to work in collaboration with other professionals to optimize the addiction treatment. This user would benefit from psychosocial support and acupuncture to learn how to manage his anxiety. To obtain these services, he can contact CRAN, his local community services centre (centre local de services communautaires – CLSC) for psychological support or a private acupuncture clinic. Acupuncture’s success in helping people with an opioid use disorder is scientifically recognized.

Filtres Outils: 
4. I’m a family physician and I have a patient who has been on methadone treatment for five years. He has a generalized anxiety disorder that he refuses to take medication for. At first, my patient managed to reduce his heroin use significantly, but he gradually started taking the same amount as before, despite successive increases in the dose of methadone. He tells me that only heroin is able to relieve his anxiety. However, he really wants to stop using. Must I deduce that methadone treatment doesn’t work for this patient?